Business and career

At Studenterhus Aarhus, we work to ensure a smooth transition from education to the job market. Our approach is both knowledge-based and practice-oriented, providing valuable advice and insights to businesses on how to effectively lead and motivate young employees. We challenge stereotypes and highlight the unique strengths of young people. Our goal is to strengthen the relationship between students and companies by bridging the gap and equipping workplaces to remain attractive to the next generation of employees.

As a student, you can create a network with organisations in Aarhus with us

Did you know that 80% of all positions are filled through networking? So – how do you access these jobs?

At Studenterhus Aarhus, we host a variety of bridge building events to build and to strengthen the professional networks between students and organisations. Furthermore, we host jobcrawls, lectures, breakfast meetings and much much more. You can follow our work in the calendar, through our newsletter, or on Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram.

If you are looking for a job or an internship, or if you are looking for an intern or a student worker, you can check out our Jobportal.


Your organisation’s entry to more than 50.000 students

At Studenterhus Aarhus, we are in touch with more than 50.000 students on all the higher educational institutions in Aarhus, and we know the different study programmes. You can use us as a sparring partner, knowledge center, and a recruiting station, when you want to collaborate with students. We’ll give you advise and help you with the process, whenever you need an intern, a student helper, or something else. We’ll gladly visit you, if you want to learn more about how your organisation can collaborate with students.

Contact: Head of partnerships, Tenna Schaldemose, e-mail: 

Your organisation can become a business member af Studenterhus Aarhus, and get free recruiting all year round, special offers, bridge building events, and updates from the educational institutions in Aarhus. Learn more about becoming a business member here.

Get your job posted

Do you need an intern, a student worker, students for a project, or do you have a vacant entry level position? Then you can use our expertise on students and study programmes, and our vast network on the higher educational institutions to reach the right students and graduates.

When you send us your job posting, we’ll read it through and provide competent feedback, so that every word and phrasing find it’s mark. When the posting is ready, we’ll distribute it in our network, and the students and graduates then apply directly with you.

A single job posting costs 725 DKK ex. VAT, and your organisation will then get posted on and in:

  • Studenterhus Aarhus job portal
  • Studenterhus Aarhus’ facebook page
  • Our newsletter, which is devoted to jobs, events, and news, and is sent our multiple times every week
  • Student Organisations and networks at different study programmes

To enable us to share your post, please send:

  • The post in a Word-file OR a link to the post if, for example, it’s posted on your website
  • A square-format image that supports the post – all data shows that images provide better exposure and greater visibility.
  • Application deadline, if you have one.
  • If you are not a business member of Studenterhus Aarhus, please also provide your billing information (CVR, company address, and the name and email of the person to be marked as ATT on the invoice).

Please send the above to:
Communications & Volunteer Coordinator, Sarah Houlberg Sørensen, at

Become a business member

We focus on strengthening the relationship between businesses and students, and as a business member, your organisation will be able to develop unique and direct contact with more than 50.000 students in Aarhus.

Student Advisory Board
As a business member, you’ll get free access to our Student Advisory Boards. If you have a challenge that you think a group of students might help solve, then we offer to facilitate an advisory board of 6-10 students, who will come to your organisation for 3-4 hours and brainstorm on your challenge.

All challenges are interesting, and you will give the students a unique possibility to test and develop their skills, as well as to see the inside of your organisation. In turn, you’ll get valuable input, you’l get to see different students in action, get employer branding, and a direct marketing channel towards potential customers.

Free recruiting of students and graduates
In Studenterhus Aarhus we know the many different institutions and programmes in Aarhus, and we have a vast network at all higher educations. This means that we can offer you targeted recruitment, if you are looking for an intern, a Student Worker or maybe a thesis student to work with you. We will communicate your postings to the students you are looking for, and we might even open your eyes to some of the new study programmes that you didn’t know beforehand.

When you send us a posting, we’ll read it and offer you competent feedback, so that your phrasing and terms hit the mark. When the posting is ready, we’ll distribute it to our network, and the students will then apply directly with you.

All challenges are interesting, and you will give the students a unique possibility to test and develop their skills, as well as to see the inside of your organisation. In turn, you’ll get valuable input, you’l get to see different students in action, get employer branding, and a direct marketing channel towards potential customers.

We host bridge-building events throughout the year, where organisations and students meet. The events are developed to accommodate the needs and wishes we experience. We also look for new ways to connect organisations and students, and as a business member, you’ll be invited to all our bridge-building events.

You also have the opportunity to offer either loose ideas or pre-planned content to an event for students, if you have some knowledge or experience you would like to share. As a partner, we help with sparring, promotion, and all the practicalities.

Stay updated – stay ahead
We’ll keep you updated on all the latest news and activities on the higher educations, and how changes might affect your organisation. We will send you information about our activities, important news from the world of higher education, reminders, when it’s time to look for new interns, and much more. On top of that, we’ll send you 10 vouchers for cultural events at Studenterhus Aarhus, which you can distribute among your employees and interns.

Your organisation will get a presentation on our website, and your logo will be visible on the sponsor board in our café, which is visited by more than 10.000 students each year.

Price: 6000 DKK ex. VAT per year

NB: The price for internship- and student job postings for non-members is 725 DKK ex. VAT

Become a business member today!
Contact one of our Business Coordinators and we’ll get back to you right away!

Tenna Duch Schaldemose:
+45 51 23 58 21