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Talent to a Green Denmark

Accelerating the Green Transition by attracting and retaining highly qualified internationals. 

Studenterhus Aarhus is part of the project Talent to a Green Denmark 

Purpose: Assisting Danish companies to access competencies to ensure their continued growth and the green transition of Denmark. 

Project Lead: Copenhagen Capacity 

Short description: The project addresses the labour shortage problem in Denmark by creating access to a skilled workforce with green competencies from abroad. The project includes initiatives to advance the retention of the international workforce already residing in Denmark, attraction of international workforce to Denmark and competence development of Danish SMEs. 

Studenterhus Aarhus role: We aim to retain the international talent already in Denmark by bridging the gap between SMEs and international students & graduates. 

Duration: January 2023 – December 2025 

Partners: Business Region Midtvest, Business Region Aarhus, Trekantområdet, Dansk Industri, International House CPH, International House North Denmark, Work-live-stay, all universities of Denmark, Djøf, DM, IDA, CLEAN, Odense Robotics, Several Municipalities, Knowledge Hub Zealand, Destination Aarhus, international Community/Erhverv Aarhus, Studenterhus Aarhus, Aarhus Kommune Borgerservice, Business Esbjerg, Akademikerne, Technology Denmark. 

For more information contact: 
Business coordinator Tenna Schaldemose: tenna@studenterhusaarhus.dk 
International Coordinator Sigrun Schaumburg-Müller: sigrun@studenterhusaarhus.dk