Swapfiets is the world’s first ‘bicycle as a service’ company. Founded in 2014 in the Netherlands, the scale-up quickly developed, being one of the leading micro mobility providers in Europe with a total of over 220.000 members in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France and Italy in September 2020. In 2021, we’ve expanded into the UK, Austria and Spain as well.
The concept of Swapfiets is quite simple: For a monthly subscription fee, Swapfiets members receive a fully functional bicycle for their own use. If needed, a repair service is available within 48 hours to repair or directly swap the two-wheeler at no additional cost. Swapfiets was launched in DK in 2018 and already serves more than 14.500 members in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg.
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