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The Headstart programme gives you a head start to a career in Denmark.

HEADSTART is a programme for international students at Aarhus University,  VIA University College, and Business Academy Aarhus made in collaboration with Studenterhus Aarhus. The programme offers multiple workshops, courses, talks, and networking opportunities provided by various actors in Central Denmark – all designed to help you find a job in Denmark.

By signing up in Conference manager, you will receive invitations for career activities relevant for you. None of the activities are mandatory, but if you attend at least 3 activities we will issue a diploma for your attendance at the end of the programme.
Below you can find links to overviews of relevant activities offered by the different programme providers.

Sign up for the HEADSTART programme here.


All participating institutions offer their own activities in the programme. You can join most activities regardless of your own attachment.

VIA University College
Aarhus University
Aarhus University Herning
Business Academy Aarhus
Studenterhus Aarhus


If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact:


International Coordinator, Studenterhus Aarhus

Sigrun Schaumburg-Müller at

About Headstart
Headstart is a joint initiative by Business Region Aarhus, Business Region MidtVest and Copenhagen Capacity aimed to attract and retain highly qualified international professionals. Part of our programme aims to make it easier for you as an international student/graduate to find a job in Central Denmark. Read more about the programme here:

Upcoming events

22.02.2022, 15:15-16:15

Studenterhus Aarhus

Intro to HEADSTART: Kickstart your Career in Denmark

For all international students

22.02.2022, 16:15-18:00

Studenterhus Aarhus

Introduction to Danish Work Culture

For all international students

10.03.2022, 16:15-18:00

Studenterhus Aarhus

Visit to The Kitchen: Start a business as an international student

For students from NatTech, Aarhus University

15.03.2022, 16:00-18:00


Decoding Danish Values as an International

For all international students

22.03.2022, 16:15-18:00

Studenterhus Aarhus

Life after Graduation – What to Expect

For all international students

07.04.2022, 17:30-20:30

Studenterhus Aarhus

Do it like a Dane: Easter Lunch

For all international students

27.04.2022, 17:00-19:00


Decoding The Danish Labour Market as an International

For all international students

10.05.2022, 16:15-18:00

Studenterhus Aarhus

HEADSTART – Prepare for the Job interview!

For all international students

21.06.2022, 16:15-18:00

Studenterhus Aarhus

HEADSTART Graduation Celebration

For all international students

Meet Iusef & Bogdan!

Good day, my name is Bogdan, nice to meet you. I am from Romania but I have been living in Denmark for the last 10 years together with my wife and 2 kids. We live in Billund, a small village with all the required infrastructure that we need, airport, LEGOLAND, LALANDIA, LEGO House, WOW Park, Give Zoo and so many other places for kids activities. Plus we also have a few shops. 


During my academic life, I studied in 4 different countries. In Romania, I finished my bachelor’s degree as valedictorian, at the same time I went with ERASMUS in Italy. Afterwards, I decided to continue with a Master degree in Denmark and took the opportunity of Nordic Plus scholarship and took a few courses in Estonia.

Well, on the other hand, there is me, Iusef :D, and my story in Denmark is not as thorough and detailed as Bogdan’s one. I grew up in Jordan, and there I studied Mechanical Engineering. During the 5 years of studying, I knew I liked studying, but I was more intrigued by the business & technological aspect of things, than the engineering one.


One week after graduating, I moved to London to try and live a “Strong & Independent” life. There I did multiple, and at times, random jobs, and honestly, living there was way more difficult than how I imagined. After two years of living there, I needed a change of environment and I realized that I really missed the studying and learning life. And here is where I met beautiful Denmark :D.

Why Denmark, why Aarhus AU in Herning?

Bogdan & Iusef: “Our reasons to move to Denmark were pretty similar. Mainly the Master Degree program name. All the buzzwords are in there, Technology Based Business Development, and it is offered by one of the best universities, Aarhus University. I didn’t know that many things about Denmark before I searched for master programs.”


“Additionally, a big role in choosing where to move to was the financial aspect. Studying in Denmark is free for all EU citizens, you get to study in some of the top #100 universities in the world, and if you find a student job you are also eligible for students’ support – Sometimes, it still feels like a dream.

What helped us to get the first job?

Bogdan: “The most important thing from my student time that helped me get my first job was the collaboration with companies on my Technical Specialisation and Company Project. The unique approach that the Master degree program is offering to these courses, a combination of real-life problems and companies collaboration makes a relevant experience when applying for a position. The referral from the company also meant a lot during the initial interview.


Iusef: “I moved to Denmark one month before the Covid pandemic started. I needed to find a job ASAP, as I had calculated to be able to financially sustain myself for six months. There was a lot of stress at the start, the university was asking all students to find a company relation, and I had no clue how to do that. Companies were looking for interns, which is usually an unpaid position in Denmark. And I was feeling like my financials were running out quickly. 


I then started contacting some senior students and asked them for some help and guidance. There, I realized that my CV was not quite “Danish standards” yet. I asked them to send me their CVs and I made sure to learn from them as much as possible. Three weeks later, I was blessed to find a job at a wind energy company based in Brande. I ended up working there for the next year and a half.”

What could have been done better?

Bogdan: “There are a few things that I would change if I would be an international student again. First, learn Danish by all means. Go to school, listen to the radio, read kids books, volunteer, or any other idea that you think it helps. After I graduated, I went to a company in Ikast that was looking for engineers. I had a short talk with a manager and he told me that if I can talk with the workers in the factory, he will give me a contract. Unfortunately, I couldn’t speak Danish at a level that would allow me to do the job. Second, participate at more events.”


Iusef: “ As Bogdan said, learning the language and the local culture is crucial for Denmark, and everywhere else in the world. Well, for me, sadly, this is still a work-in-progress. What would I have done better? More pre-arrival research about the local companies. I would have used the resources that the university offers more, from job counselling to the connections that teachers and administrative staff have, and I would have found a MENTOR! Especially at the beginning.”