Now is the time for you to send in your nominations for one or more of the prizes for Best Internship Organisation in Eastern Jutland 2024! Interns from all higher educations in Eastern Jutland can nominate the organisation in which they have had their internship.
Make sure to nominate your Internship Organisation no later than February 28 2024, and join us as we celebrate the best internship organisations in Eastern Jutland at the awardshow in Studenterhus Aarhus on March 14 2024.
Here are the awards which you can nominate your internship organisation for:
– The Educational Award
– The Mentor Award
– The Onboarding Award
– The Team Award
– The Internationalization Award
The award as ‘Best Internship Organisation in Eastern Jutland’ will be selected by the jury from the nominations, ad will be awarded to the organisation which the jury consider best overall.
If you have been an intern in 2023, you can (potentially along with your fellow interns) nominate the organisation in which you interned. You do so by:
– Filling out the template which is connected to the award that you want to nominate your organisation to (you find the templates below)
– Create a video (max. 2 min) where you explain, show, or in any other creative way emphasise why your internship organisation should get the award. You can record yourself, your mentor, or something else that have had a significant impact on your internship. The video, or clips from it, will can be shown at the awardshow, and it surely will if you win.
– Upload the video to wetransfer and send it to Liv Kappel at (please remember to name the file “name of the award + name of organisation”) and fill in the written nomination in Google Forms using the buttons below.
– Fill out and upload everything before Wednesday, February 28 2024 at 12.00
Please be aware that the written nomination and the video will carry the same weight in the jury’s considerations.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our business coordinator Liv Kappel at
If you want to nominate your internship organisation to more than one award, you are more than welcome to do so – but you have to remember to do a video and fill out a nomination for each award. In other words, if you want to nominate your internship organisation to both The Mentor Award and The Onboarding Award, you will have to do a video for each award where you explain why the organisation should win the award in each category. You cannot use the same video for both awards.
If you are more than one intern who wants to nominate for the same award, please do so together, so that we get just one nomination per organisation. The video and the written nomination will weigh the same in the jury’s considerations. The jury consists of students, representatives from the higher educational organisations, businesses, and Aarhus Municipality.
This award will be presented to an organisation which has scheduled and completed an internship with excellent onboarding.
This award will be presented to an organisation which has been particularly good at integrating the student(s) socially and/or in the collaboration in the team, and who has made them feel like part of the community in the work place.
This award will be presented to an organisation which has been particularly good at integrating the student’s socially and/or in the collaboration of the team, and who has made them feel like a part of the community at the work place.
Deadline: Upload the video to wetransfer and send it to Liv Kappel at (please remember to name the file “name of the award + name of organisation”) and fill in the written nomination in Google Forms using the buttons below. Fill out and upload everything before Wednesday, February 28 2024 at 12.00.
We celebrated talented companies and interns at the Best Internship Organisation in Eastern Jutland 2023. The award show took place on March 16th in Stakladen, where many aspiring internship companies and former interns gathered for a prize ceremony, tapas, and socialising.
Below, you can see who took home the awards at the 2023 award show:
Prize for Best Internship Organisation in Eastern Jutland: /et al.
Onboarding Award: Lidl Danmark
Mentor Award: Thomas Fasterholdt fra Silkeborg Forsyning
The Internationalization Award: Kamstrup
Educational Award: Danish Crown
Team Award: Resolution Denmark
The Jury’s Special Prize: Kamstrup
In the video below, you can watch some highlights from the Awardshow of the Best Internship Organisation in Eastern Jutland 2023:
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