DM and Magistrenes A-kasse (MA) are a union and unemployment insurance fund for students and graduates within the fields of the humanities, science, social science, health science, IT, communications, psychology, and pedagogy.
DM works to ensure the best possible rights for you on the labor market, while MA can help you economically if you become unemployed.
Therefore, it is not that surprising that more than seven out of every ten academics in Denmark are members of a union and an unemployment insurance fund. A membership can make sure that you get the most out of your studies, that you are being properly introduced to the labor market, that you will get the right job and that your economic situation is guaranteed.
As a member of DM and MA you also have access to professional and financial benefits. Among other things, this includes counselling, study-related courses, and feedback on your applications and CV, as well as discounts on banking, insurance and much more!
A membership of DM is free for the entire first year and then costs DKK 20 per month – also during your first year as a graduate.
Being a member of MA is free during your entire study period, and then costs DKK 1,587 per quarter. *
You can read more and sign up at
*The stated prices apply to 2021 and to persons under the age of 30.
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